2nd Workshop “Patent Searching with Classifications”

AIDB, in collaborazione con l’Università degli Studi di Bologna, ha organizzato per il 9 e il 10 novembre 2010, presso l’aula informatica della Facoltà di Economia di Bologna, in continuità con l’appuntamento programmato lo scorso anno, un secondo workshop sul tema Patent searching with classification, tenuto dal Dr. Stephen Adams.

Il workshop è articolato in due giornate, la prima per “academia” (riservata al personale dell’Università di Bologna e, a completamento posti, ai soci AIDB), la seconda dedicata ai “professional searchers” (riservata a soci AIDB). Non si accettano iscrizioni ad entrambe le giornate.

Di seguito si riportano le informazioni di dettaglio sul programma.

Titolo: 2nd workshop “Patent searching with classifications
Modalità: corso teorico/pratico con esercitazioni di ricerca al computer
Docente: Dr. Stephen Adams
Lingua: Inglese

Sede: Università di Bologna – Aula Informatica della Facoltà di Economia in Piazza Scaravilli
Orario: 9,00-17,00 con pausa pranzo
N° posti: 30 (per giornata)

9 Novembre
Day 1: Patent searching with classifications (for academia) – Riservato UNIBO
Brief introduction to patent classification. Why use it at all?
The development of classification for patents
The International Patent Classification; brief history and post-reform
Derivatives of the International Patent Classification, European Patent Classification
Introduction to other national classification systems US and JP classification
Practice session


10 Novembre
Day 2: Patent searching with classifications (for search professional) – Riservato Soci AIDB
Brief introduction to the development of the IPC
Important changes in the IPC for searcher
Tools for using the IPC effectively
IPC derivatives, ECLA FI
Introduction to other national or commercial classifications: US and Thomson
Practice session

Sono aperte la iscrizioni (riservate ai soli soci AIDB), da inviare alla Segreteria AIDB. Nel caso di superamento del numero massimo di posti disponibili per una giornata, si terrà conto dell’ordine cronologico di ricevimento, dando preferenza al primo iscritto di ciascuna azienda/ente, con riserva di accettare i successivi iscritti di una stessa società/ente a seconda della disponibilità dei posti.

Clicca qui per il programma in formato PDF™.

Short Biography Dr. Stephen Adams

Stephen Adams completed a B.Sc. degree in Chemistry at the University of Bristol, UK, followed by an M.Sc. in Information Science from The City University, London, UK.
For a number of years, he worked as a technical information searcher in the field of food science at the UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food.
Following a period as editor of “International Packaging Abstracts” at Pira International, he moved to ICI Agrochemicals (later Zeneca Agrochemicals) to become their principal patent searcher in 1988.
He founded Magister Limited in 1997.
Stephen is a member of the Association of Independent Information Professionals (AIIP).
Between 2002 and 2006, Stephen served as the first non-US “Director at Large” for the Patent Information Users Group (PIUG Inc).
In May 2008, he received a Special Recognition Award from the PIUG. The citation recorded that this was in Recognition of:

  • Stephen’s Tireless Service to PIUG,
  • Ten Years of Excellent Patent Searching Workshops,
  • Membership of the PIUG Board of Directors 2002 to 2006,
  • Having been voted Favorite Speaker Countless Times

He is also on the editorial board of World Patent Information, The International Journal for Industrial Property Documentation, Information, Classification and Statistics.

The aim of World Patent Information is to provide a worldwide forum for the exchange of information between people working professionally in the field of Industrial Property information and documentation and to promote the widest possible use of the associated literature.

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