The “Associazione Italiana Documentalisti Brevettuali”, abbreviated as “AIDB”, is established as an open-ended association.


The association is non-profitmaking and cannot distribute, either directly or indirectly, profits, or in any case administration surplus to its members.

The aims of the association are:

the propagation of knowledge relating to methodology, techniques and tools for patent research, documentation and analysis, as well as contributing to the study and improvement of it;
the protection, promotion and development of the profession of patent analyst and documentalist, of its own members in Italy and abroad;
the promotion and coordination of cultural and updating initiatives in the patent research, documentation and analysis sector;
the promotion of collaboration with national and international authorities, institutions and associations that operate in the sector of intellectual property and, in particular, in the sector of patent documentation;
the promotion of initiatives aimed at the legal acknowledgement and protection of the profession of patent analyst and documentalist, in Italy and the European Union.


The association’s headquarters are at the pro tempore Secretary’s address. The change in address resulting from the Certificate of Incorporation must be communicated to the members and third parties that have contractual relations with the association. If the association is enrolled on the register of legal persons or in registers or lists held by civil services, the change in address must be communicated to the relevant register.


The property of the association is composed of the members’ contributions, any administration surplus and property contributions that may reach them for any reason, also by donation or due to death.
Any distribution, even indirectly, of any administration surplus, funds or reserves, is strictly prohibited, with the exception of the distribution being imposed by the law.


All those that by training, competence and experience in the field of patent analysis and intellectual work in general may be admitted to participate in the association in one or other of the categories specified below and may contribute to pursuing the aims of the association.
Member enrolment is obtained through written application by the person interested.
Admission is deliberated beyond dispute by the Executive Board by simple majority.
The members are divided into categories: Standard Members and Observing Members.

Standard Members are all members that work in the patent research, documentation and analysis sector, share the association’s aims and do not participate or are not professionally involved, either as employees or regular collaborators, in firms or companies that include the production or supply of tools for patent research, documentation and analysis among its profit-making services offered;
Observing Members are those that, although having the pre-requisites mentioned in part one of this article, cannot be admitted as Standard Members due to relationships with firms or companies that include the production or supply of tools for patent research, documentation and analysis among its profit-making services offered.
The Observing Members may participate in the Members’ Meetings, without the right to vote, but may not hold posts in the association.


The organs of the association are: the Members’ Meeting, the Executive Board, the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer.


The Members’ Meeting is composed of the members of the association who have paid the enrolment fee.
This is convened compulsorily at least once a year by the President. Each member may give proxy in writing for two other members.
The Members’ Meeting decides by majority of votes.
The Members’ Meeting deliberates the association programme, approves the budgets and anything else on the agenda.
If the Meeting is called to deliberate on the subject of:

changes to the Articles of Association
merging with other associations
dissolution of the association

at least two thirds of the Members must be present in person or by proxy and the relevant deliberations must be taken with a positive vote by the absolute majority of the voters.
The Meeting may also be convened every time a request is made by two thirds of the Members or the simple majority of the Executive Board.
The President has the right, having informed the Executive Board, to convene a Meeting reserved for Standard Members.


The Executive Board is elected at the Members’ Meeting once every three years and is composed of five members.
The executive board internally appoints the President, Secretary, Treasurer and two counsellors.
The President is the candidate that received the most votes at the Meeting.
The executive board carries out the association’s programme and the deliberations of the Members’ Meeting.
The executive board also has the task of fixing the annual enrolment fees.
The executive board meets at least four times a year upon summoning from the President.
The deliberations made by the executive board require the presence of the majority of its members.
In the case of equal votes, the President’s vote prevails.


The President has the legal representation of the association, carries out all the deliberations and may carry out all the necessary and urgent actions except for the ratification of the Executive Board and the Meeting.
The President calls the Meetings and the Executive Board.


The Secretary carries out administration and co-ordination duties in accordance with the directives given by the President or the Executive Board. Each year, the Secretary draws up and distributes a report on the activities of the association.


The Treasurer compiles the financial statement to be subjected to approval at the Meeting. The Treasurer takes care of the financial administration of the association.


The Counsellors collaborate with the President, Secretary and Treasurer in their work. In the case of the President being detained, one of the Counsellors, appointed by the others, temporarily takes on the President’s functions.


The Executive Board has the power to issue a Regulation to be integrated into the present Articles of Association, following approval at the Members’ Meeting.


For whatever is not specifically provided for by the present deed, the Italian civil code and the special laws regarding associations shall be applied by analogy.