AIDB, the “Associazione Italiana Documentalisti Brevettuali”, is a non-profitmaking association of the Italian Patent Information Users established in 2004.

The aims of the association are:

  • the propagation of knowledge relating to methodology, techniques and tools for patent research, documentation and analysis, as well as contributing to the study and improvement of it;
  • the protection, promotion and development of the profession of patent analyst and documentalist, of its own members in Italy and abroad;
  • the promotion and coordination of cultural and updating initiatives in the patent research, documentation and analysis sector;
  • the promotion of collaboration with national and international authorities, institutions and associations that operate in the sector of intellectual property and, in particular, in the sector of patent documentation;
  • the promotion of initiatives aimed at the legal acknowledgement and protection of the profession of patent analyst and documentalist, in Italy and the European Union.